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Are you looking for a dynamic developer that can offer you a broad range of skills and services for just about all your Internet, Multimedia and Software needs?

Do you need a quality developer who is available on a contract, freelance, part-time or fulltime basis?

Are you looking for someone who is experienced, reliable, friendly and offers superior service?

Welcome to Kettenacker Communications. My name is Colin Kettenacker, sole proprietor and owner of Kettenacker Communications and you have come to the right place.

Below is a list of expert services that I can provide to you or your company:

  • Integrated Database Design and Delivery
  • Interactive Marketing Presentation Applications
  • Interactive Corporate Presentation Applications
  • Interactive Personal Presentation Applications
  • Productivity Applications
  • Production Utilities
  • Real Time 3D Applications
  • Gaming Applications
  • CBTs (Computer Based Training Applications)
  • Edutainment Software
  • Survey Applications
  • Rapid Application Development
  • Prototype Software Development
  • General Custom Software Solutions
  • General Multimedia/New Media/Interactive Design
  • Technical Consultation
  • Instructional and Training Services
  • Web Design, Development and Deployment

The above services can be deployed in multiple platform delivery including:

  • Standalone applications for the Macintosh and/or PC platforms
  • CD-ROM delivery for the Macintosh and/or PC platforms
  • DVD-ROM delivery for the Macintosh and/or PC platforms
  • Kiosk delivery for the Macintosh and/or PC platforms
  • Web delivery for just about any web enabled platform

Please explore my website to learn more about what I can bring to you or your company.

Contact me here if you have any inquiries or wish to make a request for proposal.

Thank you,

Colin Kettenacker

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