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Custom Software, Multimedia, Internet, Database Developer and Technical Trainer

Highlights of Qualifications

  • Over 10 years of experience developing custom software, internet solutions and training programs
  • Proven to deliver demanding projects on time and with grace under pressure
  • Independent yet works well in teams
  • Enthusiastic, reliable, trustworthy and professional
  • Conducts business with integrity and honesty

Relevant Skills and Experience

Have created many custom software/web based solutions for a broad client list. Client list includes:

  • Intel
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Reebok
  • Pennzoil
  • Del Monte
  • Clearly Canadian
  • Mark Anthony Wine Cellars
  • Creo Products Inc.
  • Science World
  • Vancouver Film School
  • Metro Training Institute
  • Pan Pacific Hotel
  • Park Royal Shopping Mall
  • Square D
  • MRIM
  • Gypsyaudio
  • Davidson Battery Service
  • Sammy J Peppers
  • Developed a fully expandable interactive multimedia survey application with hardware I/O and database connectivity.
  • Developed an integrated online reporting software package for Square D, thereby greatly improving their productivity. Data was mined from an existing database and used to dynamically build graphical and tabular reports.
  • Innovated a brand new form of market research software from conception to completion. Incorporated current market research standards into an entirely new methodology of data collection by utilizing multimedia interaction.
  • Created production tools and utility software to help speed up various production processes.
  • Created course curriculum for such applications and programming/scripting languages as Adobe Director, Apple QuickTime VR, DigiDesign Pro Tools, Daz Bryce, PHP, ASP, JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and SQL.
  • Created a variety of interactive multimedia applications, CD-ROMs and web sites.
  • Created many web based and desktop applications and solutions.
  • Developed Prototyping Software.

(*Asterisk indicates rusty or acquiring knowledge of skill, but can easily be brought up to speed)

2D Graphic Software Packages
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator*, Adobe Fireworks, Corel Painter*

3D Graphic Software Packages
Discreet 3D Studio Max*, Daz Bryce

Audio Software Packages
Digidesign ProTools, Apple Garage Band, Bias Peak, Sony Creative Sound Forge

Video Packages
Adobe Premiere*, Adobe After Effects*, Avid Media Suite Pro*

Programming Lanquages/Multimedia Packages
Macromedia Director, Adobe Flash*, Livestage Pro*, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, PHP, ASP, SQL, Lingo, ActionScript*, QScript*, VB.NET*, C#.NET*

Productivity Software Packages
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint*, Microsoft Access*, Apple iWorks, Equilibrium DeBabelizer*

Database Packages
MySQL, MS SQL, ODBC, SQLite, MS Access*

Apple QuickTime VR, Roxio Toast

Department Head

  • Supervised and managed production staff
  • Made recommendations for staffing (Hiring, firing, salaries)
  • Performance reviews
  • Responsible for on the job training of junior staff
  • Defining and implementing future direction (Business development)
  • Headed up department meetings

Project Lead

  • Creating and implementing project documentation (Functional specs, standards, and future specs)
  • Assessing, defining, creating and implementing unified standards and naming conventions
  • Storyboarding, defining and designing user interface
  • Developing timelines
  • Creating analytical data documentation

Client Relations

  • Responsible for client management & relations
  • Assessing and defining project requirements and parameters (specifications) with client
  • Advising client of alternate requirements
  • Adding alternate requirements if deemed appropriate
  • Culling client specification deemed unattainable in required timeframe
  • Adapting timeframe of project if deemed appropriate
  • Creating and updating revised client specs
  • Client technical support

Lead Programmer

  • Designing software architecture
  • Defining and creating reusable programming templates that work within the defined standards
  • Implementing client specifications
  • Implementing new specifications (when and where required) during production

Quality Assurance Lead

  • Responsible for quality assurance
  • Creating quality assurance documentation
  • Responsible for quality control


  • Researching existing technologies
  • Researching new technologies
  • Defining and creating automated production utilities
  • Make recommendations for technologies

Graphic Production

  • Graphic creation
  • Graphical layout
  • Graphic manipulation and editing

Audio Production

  • Audio Creation
  • Audio Editing

Trainer / Teacher

  • Developing course curriculum
  • Developing course materials
  • Creating and implementing teaching standards and specifications
  • Assessing student performance
  • Professional Development


1996-1997: Vancouver Film School
Multimedia Certificate of Recommendation
Vancouver, B.C.
1983-1985: British Columbia Institute of Technology
Diploma of Technology in Operations Management
Burnaby, B.C.

Relevant Work Experience

2002-Present: Kettenacker Communications
Owner / Operator / Software-Internet Developer
Vancouver, B.C.
2000-2002: Vision Critical Communications, Inc.
Department Head / Lead Programmer
Vancouver, B.C.
1997-2000: Vancouver Film School - New Media Campus
Vancouver, B.C.
1997-2000: PardonMedia Productions
Owner / Operator / Software Developer
Vancouver, B.C.
1997-1998: Metro Training Institute
Vancouver, B.C.

References available upon request.

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