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QuickTime VR

Here is a sampling of my QuickTime VR work. You will need the QuickTime plugin to view these works. You can download the free plugin here.


Grand Cayman's Port of Call - Cayman Islands
Click on image below to view the QuickTime VR panorama (260 KB)
Grand Cayman port panorama

Grand Cayman's 7 Mile Beach - Cayman Islands
Click on image below to view the QuickTime VR panorama (232 KB)
Grand Cayman 7 Mile Beach panorama

Ocho Rios Port of Call - Jamaica
Click on image below to view the QuickTime VR panorama (192 KB)
Ocho Rios port panorama

Bellagio Hotel Lobby - Las Vegas
Click on image below to view the QuickTime VR panorama (304 KB)
Bellagio hotel lobby panorama

Bellagio Hotel Conservatory & Botanical Gardens - Las Vegas
Click on image below to view the QuickTime VR panorama (428 KB)
Bellagio hotel conservatory panorama

A panorama of a billiard room I created in 3D Studio Max
Click on image below to view the QuickTime VR panorama (320 KB)
3D max billiard room panorama

Object Movies

Below are object movies of some 3D models I have created in 3D Studio Max.

Click on an image below to view a QuickTime VR object movie
3D max compass 3D max billard table 3D max billard table
(256 KB) (480 KB) (168 KB)
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