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3D Studio Max

Here is a sampling of some of my 3D Studio Max work. These samples are quite old dating back to 1997. Hopefully one day soon I will get a chance to play around some more with a 3D modeling package.

Again please note that all the models seen here were modeled completely from scratch. At no time did I download any model components from any online resource such as 3D Cafe.

Click on images for a larger view
3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot
3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot
3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot
3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot
3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot
3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot 3D Max screen shot
3D Max screen shot
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